Friday, February 24, 2012

Conference Wrap-Up

We have been back from conference since Sunday and it is still setting in how incredible we swam at conference.  As a coach, I am truly speechless with the accomplishments achieved last week.  We had 100% success across the  board with every athlete achieving his/her best time in every event swum.  Some may have been slightly disappointed because they did not reach their goal, but all in all he/she achieved their best time ever.  Goals are meant to push you further.  Sometimes we reach them and other times we do not.  We cannot look at what we did not reach but what we did reach.  We can also reflect and look at what we can do better to improve and get that goal next season.  If each athlete can say that he/she gave each race 110% then he/she cannot be disappointed.  Each day at conference was a new day which brought new challenges.  Our team conquered conference with confidence, pride, and passion.

I received a wonderful email from a parent from another team complimenting our team.  It stated "We have never seen coaches so energetic, passionate, supportive and caring.  We observed your team over the 4 days of competition and saw what a family you were.  Each swimmer supported each other and believed in their coaches.  It was a treat to watch!  Job Well Done! "  This email brought tears to my eyes!  Our coaches care more about this team then anyone can realize, however people are realizing it.  It means so much that people we do not know see our team as a family and compliment us.

Each day at conference we came across strangers who had nothing but wonderful things to say about our team.  For instance, at Nothing But Noodles we met two families who were amazed at how well mannered and polite the team is.  We had a group of parents from the meet compliment us on our great sportsmanship.

These compliments say a lot about our student-athletes and make the coaches even more proud!

Conference was an experience of a lifetime as we broke 4 school records, missed 9 by a hair, and achieved 7 NCAA B cut times.  The coaching staff was beyond proud of what the team achieved over those 4 days of competition.  Coach Rod and I knew we would have success, but were blown away with the level of success we achieved.  Rod and I could not be more proud to be part of this team's family.  It has been an incredible season and we cannot wait for what is to come in the coming seasons.


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